Hear to Listen
Harmony Asian Funeral Directors is more than just your average funeral directors, we have worked closely with bereavement counsellors to unsure we can provide professional help and guidance to families going through difficult times, whether that is coping with a shock death or losing someone at a young age. In this section we try to answer some of your questions, alternatively we are always only one phone call away if you ever feel the need to speak to someone.
What funeral costs can i claim?
You can get a Funeral Expenses Payment if all of the following apply:
you get certain benefits or tax credits
you meet the rules on your relationship with the deceased
you’re arranging a funeral in the UK, the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland
Find more information using this link: https://www.gov.uk/funeral-payments/eligibility
Where can I scatter ashes?
You can scatter ashes almost anywhere in the UK after a cremation, as long as you have permission from the landowner first. Ashes can be scattered at sea or on a river without permission, but you need to follow the Environment Agency's guidelines.
How long can you leave ashes before scattering ?
I don’t think there is a ‘right’ time other than what is right for each individual family/relative. I think the ‘right answer’ is what seems right to them. Inevitably, it's your choice.
What do you do when someone dies?
If someone has died and you need to arrange a funeral, we will guide you through every step. From the first phone call to the day of the funeral and even afterwards, we’ll support you in everything you need to do. Contact us on 03338 804 488 or email us on support@harmonyfuneralcare.co.uk. For more information view here: https://harmonyfuneralcare.co.uk/what-to-do-when-someone-dies/
Can you send a body abroad without a passport?
Yes you can, the funeral director will collate the necessary paperwork to able to send the body to another country. Contact our international repatriation team on 03338 804 488
What to wear at a Sikh funeral?
White is usually the colour of choice for sikh funerals. Generally, dressed smart and respectfully. A head covering (male: ramaal, female: chunni) for both females and males.
What to expect at a Hindu funeral?
White is usually the colour of choice for hindu funerals. Generally, dressed smart and respectfully.